2 Basic Guidelines for Beginners Using S1 Pro Electric Scooters Uphill

Does the route between your home and the bus stop have some moderately steep hills?

If yes. You were lucky.

For you guys to ride your best scooter when going uphill, I've just learned two tips.

Let's go.

Just some basic riding advice.


Tip 1,

To make your e-scooter travel uphill, ride it with one leg on the ground.

similar to how your young child uses his kick scooter.

Tip 2,

You may try a different path, let's say "Winding up," if the slope is significantly steeper.

This is one possible uphill biking route:

Or like this one ( but please watch out)



We should ride it carefully when ascending a hill.
gradually and painstakingly

Okay, here are 2 recommendations to help you climb some minor hills from your home to the bus stop, office, or anywhere else.

Hope to be of assistance to you.

I appreciate your reading. :>